Sunday, April 05, 2009

Today is the Day to Get Stuff Done!

I need organization! I'm feeling happy optimistic today, so it's time again, to get life in order. My windows are open, fans are on... it's beautiful out! Here's to a good week!

- Empty dishwasher - done
- Fill dishwasher - done
- Fold laundry - done
- Do more laundry - in progress
- Swiffer floors - done
- Clean bathroom - done
- Trash - done
- Clean cat box - done
- Put away vaporizer - done
- Work on baby blanket
- Shower - done
- Meet Frank - done
- Make secret paper things - done

- Make other secret paper thing - done

- Make other things I just thought about - done
- Prep balloons - done
- Make first batch of iced tea (maybe)
- Pay bills - GM Card done
- Taxes, taxes, taxes...
- Walk Antonio! - done


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