Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Haven't You Always Wondered...

... what those REALLY BIG binder clips are used for?

This, my good friends, is the project that I've been working on for the past few days. I received it on Thursday, worked on it Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Monday, Tuesday and today, and I turned it in at 5 PM. I'm partially brain dead, I think. I've got my fingers (and eyes) crossed hoping for all good things from this project, so say a few prayers, or rub a Buddha belly or two for me, and hope for the best. This little project could bring good things.

On a happier [no] better [no] lighter [no] stranger note, my dad broke his arm today. (*&%$&$%#^%$_*&!) I'm in complete shock because my family doesn't break bones. We just don't. We don't have sports injuries or 'did stupid things' injuries.... we don't break bones! Luckily he had a clean break and some good prescription drugs. Still, I wonder how he'll play computer games. It's a terrifying thought.

What else? I'm mentioned in Julie's blog, that's pretty sweet... and I'm gonna go make myself an egg sandwich. Oh! And Jodi has her own blog. Heehee.

Crazy freakin' month this May is turning out to be.


Blogger Missy B said...

I hope all goes well with your project. Also tell your dad to get well soon.

May 23, 2007 10:36 PM  
Blogger cherylann said...

Yay on finally getting the project done. Boo for your Dad getting hurt. Sending good healing vibes out to Mr. Costa and if they don't work- he at least has good drugs. When are you going grocery shopping? Now, when you say egg sandwiches, is that like egg salad or fried egg or scrambled egg or what? I really don't like eggs so whenever I read it I hope it's egg salad because that's the lesser of all my evils. hahaha.

May 24, 2007 2:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the kind comments. I'm sitting here typing with my left hand and trying not to moan out loud LOL. I do think, however, that the cast is more irritating than the 24/7 dull ache. Maybe I'll break open the wine cellar - bound to work better than the drugs so far :)

May 24, 2007 7:30 PM  
Blogger Charissa said...

My poor Dad... yes, wine IS delicious, Dad. Drink up. Hell, I'll bring some stuff home. :)

CA: That's fried egg with cheese on toast. Very yummy, very simple and a good use of the two loaves of bread in the freezer and thingy-do case of eggs. I've made egg salad, but that requires far more ingredients.

May 24, 2007 9:58 PM  

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