Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Say Goodbye to Antonio...

Dropped off Mr. Puppy today. I hate that about traveling. Antonio really loves the vet/kennel though, so at least I am leaving him in good/spoiled hands (although pricey).

So I am alone this evening getting ready to get up at 4 AM (AH!). My flight is at 7 AM. Luckily, I convinced my co-worker of mine to fly in jeans, and then we'll stop at the hotel after we land to change into work clothes. Again, I am looking for good reading time on the plane, but also some quality time to punch out a few key projects. I'm declaring Wednesday "Caffeine Day," because of the amount of caffeine it will take to get me through.

I'm going to try blogging a bit from Reno, but it's not a sight-seeing tour, so I'll have little to report unless I happen to run into Julie. Can you imagine if I did? I'll totally be on the lookout for her... it's not THAT big 'a place, right?


Blogger Dx said...

What a great life you guys in US marketing must lead, compared to us in the UK. Flying in jeans? Changing into work clothes? Jeans ARE our workclothes.

And what's all this about reading on the plane. I have to assume it's a brief from another client?

Over here we call our clients "Key Projects" so I certainly like the idea of punching a few of them out. Never thought of that before. Thanks for all the ideas. Hope you haven't slapped a copyright notice on them. Surely not.

What a life you guys lead in Marketing USA. Must fly over there for a job some day. Can I bring my jeans with me?

May 09, 2007 8:14 AM  
Blogger Angie said...

LOL I love the comment above. :)

How funny that you actually blogged about the possibility of running into Julie and then you did! Wow...

May 14, 2007 11:24 AM  

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