Sunday, August 27, 2006

Boordy Vineyards

Last night a group of us went to Boordy Vineyards in Baltimore County. It isn't that far away from civilization, but you have to drive 5-10 miles on windy foresty roads to get there.

Saturdays they have a band and wine tasting. So you buy a bottle, spread out a blanket, and picnic. They have dance instruction, which we didn't do, and there's catered food. The food was tasty, but next time we all agreed to bring snacks instead, because it was pretty expensive. One crabcake was $12. That's crazy.

So Teresa and I shared a bottle of their Chardonnay, which was the driest white they had, and Rob and Jill drank all reds. I bought another bottle of the Chardonnay to take home with me, too.

The event went from 5:45 through 9:45 PM, but we left at 9 PM to beat the traffic. Afterwards, we all went home — there wasn't a point in drinking any more after a number of glasses of wine.

Here are some fun photos from last night.

Jill and Rob — how cute are they?

Charissa and Teresa — sisters... not.

Rob and Jill and their classic vacation photo.

Charissa, Rob and Teresa: Three's Company!

Potato Sticks go with everything...

Charissa, Rob, Teresa and Jill


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