Sunday, October 22, 2006

Friendship Triathalon: Bar Hopping (3 of 3)

The third and final leg of the race included bar hopping and vocal acrobatics. After Flugtag (that's right, no break) we headed to JDs in Canton. The intention was to get a bite to eat, but it was too crowded, so (unfortunately) we skipped eating altogether. We had a drink here, then walked down to Walts Inn... my favorite bar in Baltimore.

Since we arrived at the start of the night, we were able to sing a lot of songs right off the bat.

Jill and I are extraordinary backup dancers!

Al and I dancing! He was enamoured with Jill and me all night.

Slim Jims are DELICIOUS! (Boy, my cheeks are red!)

Jill and Rob in a closeup. BFF!

Rob and Andy's boy love... Andy was quite suave on the microphone.

Jill and Charissa singing yet another song. :)

Karaoke rounded out the National Friendship Day Triathalon. I was dropped off around 12:30 AM, ate some noodles, and hit the sack. I slept pretty well all-in-all, but my knee is sore from all of the walking yesterday. A little ice and I should be good as new. Now it's time to prepare for another work week...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like a good time!! I bet you 2 were AMAZING!!

October 24, 2006 5:28 PM  

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