Friday, March 30, 2007

I'm Home.

So it's 12:15ish in the AM, and I'm home - just flew in. I'd hoped I could take a nap on the trip back to Baltimore, but I forgot how cold it is on a plane at night. I was absolutely freezing, I had on flip flops, and I can't sleep if I'm cold.

I have so much to catch up on - both personally and professionally - after being gone for the week, but I promise to put together a decent blog tomorrow after work. Right now I am going to pet the cat (he's still meowing like crazy because I'm home), get into PJs, put some stuff away that I'll need in the morning, and hit the sack.

Wait. I should've put that into a list for you all. Let me try again.

1. Spend time with Elliott, the cat.
2. Change into pajamas.
3. Get ready for bed/put toiletries away.
4. Sleep.

Tomorrow morning I will pick Antonio up from the kennel before work. I am so excited. I miss him. Chat with you all soon, and have a good Friday. Goodnight, all.


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