Thursday, March 22, 2007

That Time of the Month

NO, not THAT time.... it's pampering time. I have now progressed to having facials every 4-5 weeks. It's certainly not the best idea for the budget, but it's excellent for my peace of mind. The last four or so facials that I've had have been after work, and without fail, I fall asleep in the middle of the session. Of course, I'm always a little embarrassed, but J, my facial person (what is her title, anyway?), is great about it. It's a fabulous way to end a stressful day... I fully expect to sleep well tonight.

What I love the most about these treatments is how great my skin looks afterward. Since I'm half Italian and half Irish (I know - a caustic mix), I have done some moderate damage to my fair skin. I've been using BioElements products now for months and have seen a noticeable improvement in my skin overall, but it looks 10x better when I leave the spa!

Okay, time for a glass or two of wine - the perfect follow up to a little bit of pampering, I'd say.


Blogger cherylann said...

Aestetician (or however you spell it) is what you call your face lady. hehehe. Don't feel bad... I would always fall asleep when I had a facial too... but I think it's just because she played Enya- and that cool mist eye mask thing... *sigh* I miss facials.

March 22, 2007 10:22 PM  

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