Sunday, April 27, 2008

Lots Done/Lots To Do

The first phase of my deck is done. It's now 6 ft long, and the landlord is going to work on his mud room before he extends it another 6 or 7 feet. I am thrilled with the progress. Yesterday I laid out on the deck to get some rays for an hour or so. I got just a little sun, but it wasn't my intention to get a lot. I don't want to be burnt for the next week.

Of course, with phase one of the deck construction complete, my apartment needed a thorough cleaning. There was dust everywhere and sawdust even in the carpets. Yesterday I did a bulk of it, but there's plenty to do today and this week.

1. Wipe entire kitchen down - Done
2. Clean all utensils not in cupboards - Done
3. Swiffer floors and floor moldings - Done
4. Scrub floors - Done
5. Move planter back outside and set up - Done
6. Move furniture back to pre-construction locations - Done
7. Clean pet bowls - Done
8. Beat kitchen rug - Done
9. Wash bathroom rug - Done
10. Dust all surfaces in house - Done
11. Vacuum - Done
12. Laundry and put away - Done
13. Iron all work clothes/pants just washed - Done
14. Go through Snay's VHS tapes and pick out kid videos/parents videos to take home - Done
15. Clean cat box - Done
16. Collect trash - Done
17. Cook for lunches - Done
18. Work on PowerPoint for work meeting - Done... say a prayer for me on Tuesday
19. Go through clothes for sister - Done
20. Make music memory cards for niece and two nephews for new music players - Done
21. Launder sheets
22. Pack clothes for next weekend home (YAY!)
23. Email Ohio friends - Done
24. Clean out car - Done
25. Take heater to storage and get fan
26. Watch VHS Movies - In progress

I imagine I'll update this post a few times. Today is hard... although my allergies are better because of the rain, my right eyelid is twitching and my head hurts. What fun, right? Anyone up for a beer later? I'm too lazy to leave the city, though... so FYI.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beer? Depends on where and when. I got some stuff to get done, but I might be interested in a beverage.

April 27, 2008 3:36 PM  
Blogger Marie said...

helloooooo there!!!

April 27, 2008 8:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No Big Brother comments? I came to your page just to see what you thought! Hope all's good, nice deck.

April 28, 2008 6:54 AM  
Blogger jwer said...

I've gotta bunch more VHS tapes if you run out of those... I can't comment on the average quality, however...

April 28, 2008 8:45 AM  

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