Saturday, December 30, 2006

Hightopps Happy Hour

I organized my first happy hour at the new job yesterday... and I thought we had a decent turnout. I'll estimate fifteen people showed up. It was originally scheduled around Wes and Drew playing at Hightopps, but that was cancelled, so we went there anyway.

I stayed later than I meant to, but my cold is getting the better of me, so when I finally went home I took a nice bath and curled up in pjs and a robe on the couch.

Here are some pics of my HH participants! (I promised them they'd make it on the blog this time.)

I totally won $1 for this picture. That rabbit fur charm is quite masculine, yes?

The Rog Mahal and Leslie

Charissa and Dale

Brian and Charissa

OKAY - GROUP VOTE NEEDED. Girls, would you use a charm like the one Dale has on his phone? Would you use any cell phone charm? If so, what would it be?


Blogger Angie said...

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December 31, 2006 12:53 AM  
Blogger Angie said...

I am not so into cell phone charms. I can't think of one I'd actually want to be seen using.

December 31, 2006 12:54 AM  

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