Friday, July 20, 2007

Flashback Fridays

In all honesty, I think the contest started as a coloring contest, but I'll tell you what - I'm a mean colorer. My mom is also a a fabulous colorer, so I must have inherited it from her. But the task so many years ago in kindergarten was to color 'Ticky Tooth,' a dental superhero from what I can recall. And I won. :)

I remember that Mrs. Parks, my kindergarten teacher and winner of Akron's Favorite Teacher Award (she was an amazing person), called me out into the hallway during class to tell me I had won. I also remember that I was escorted to the teacher's lounge to take a phone call - was it from my mother? Was it Ticky Tooth? I can't remember. All I know is I went from completely scared for being called out of class, to confused (because when does this ever happen?), to elated. I was only five years old after all.

So after I won, my mom, sister and I attended a luncheon (I think), where I won an actual award and received a prize - an electric toothbrush. I also had my picture taken with Ronald McDonald (see below). I was so proud - how cool is that for five years old??


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Charissa, you live the life that most of us can only dream about! Definately a charmed wonder you live in Charm City.

July 20, 2007 8:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe that call was from Dr. William Parks to congratulate you for winning the prize and telling you how proud he was of you.
I wouldn't have remembered that if you had not asked the question here on the blog.
She was magic as a teacher - one of the best people I ever knew. She had so much love and she gave it so freely. I could tell who had been her students even as late as 6th grade at Harris Grade School. She made that much of a difference with her kids. It would be impossible but greatly interesting to find out what became of her students on the whole. I would bet more of them did well with their lives and less got into any real trouble that other kids in that school. She was of a pure heart and she had mounds of energy and imagination.
She made a real difference with her life, no one could hope for better.

July 20, 2007 8:13 AM  
Blogger johnny dollar said...

ooo scary ronald!

in my opinion.

i have a very similar photo but it was me with darth vader.

July 20, 2007 8:38 AM  
Blogger Summer said...

that clown is terrifying. Have you seen the new pictures of him on the newly remodeled restaurants? We have one in my neighborhood. The building looks good, but it is surrounded by signs of a "Surprised Ronald" that says "WHOA!!! NEW LOOK!!!" It's getting old. It has to go!!

July 20, 2007 9:46 AM  
Blogger cherylann said...

yay for getting a prize for coloring- you will have lucky kids! and run away for that picture of ronald mcdonald... he really scares me!!!

July 20, 2007 10:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's so cool. i won an award in kingergarten, too. i wrote a story about my pet turtle that had died... teeth, turtles - 5 yr olds are so creative ;)

July 20, 2007 3:33 PM  
Blogger Charissa said...

Hi Jim!! Thanks so much. I don't think my life is all that exciting, but it works for me and I'm happy. Hope all is well with you - sending hugs your way. :)

Mom: That's right, it was Mr. Parks. He was a dentist, right? Or something? Mrs. Parks was one of the most incredible people ever. I was hard to lose her.

Friends: Why do you all hate Ronald with such a passion? I mean - I'm no huge fan - but I don't hate him... weird. Do you guys hate tomatoes too? (Jill does.)

July 20, 2007 6:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, he was a dentist hench the tickie tooth award.
Actually there were a lot of big wigs there - odd and wonderful.
Bill was a really good man too. After he retired, he spent part of his day working with the children on phonics and computer skills. That was when you were older not when you were in kindergarten.

July 20, 2007 7:44 PM  

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