Big Brother 8 - The Thursday Eviction
Sandi's Team
Charissa's Team
Richie's Team
I really hate it when Big Brother runs an HOH competition over the end of the hour. It is so frustrating. It's not like I won't tune in Sunday, so I'm not sure why they do it. Maybe they are trying to get viewers to subscribe to the live feed? Dunno. But this HOH looked pretty dumb. Right before the end of the show when they showed the houseguests running back and forth from the teapot to the bowl, you could hear one of the producers telling them to be careful. What fun is that? I'd rather be blissfully unaware that they receive warnings. I want to pretend that every activity is fraught with danger. I want to think that the strain of being in the house is unbearable. That's so much better.
I remember the first season when they houseguests really started going coo-coo because they had been without human contact for so long. Do you remember? How about when Brittany made "friends" with the cameraman? And the cameraman would shake the camera back and forth "no" or nod "yes" to her? I miss those days. They didn't even have a clock in that first season. They were given the tools to make a potato-powered clock instead.
I don't know. I want more drama and less down time. 25% of the recorded video is of houseguests laying around contemplating. Not that I want a replay or season two when Justin pulled a knife, but c'mon people. What do you all do all day?